Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday Presents via Mail from Uncle Matt

Cooper loves that his Uncle Matt remembers his birthday and he loves receiving mail from family. Uncle Matt really would like the boys to become Ravens fans (PS That will never happen!!!) however, if they were Phillies fans that would be fine......Uncle Matt gave Cooper a Wonder Woman card for his birthday and wrote a message about him loving Wonder Woman when he was young.....Cooper laughed because he did not quite understand the message but he may one day as we saved the card for him

Brotherly Love

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hilliard Halloween

Praises to grandma for making my elephant costume. So tired after a busy trick-or-treat.

Grandma dressed up as Winnie the witch to hand out candy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cooper's Baseball Trophy

We are so proud of Cooper and how he was a great sportsman and played baseball this fall. He received a trophy for being a winner. He is so proud of the trophy and we are too. GO #12.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween at the Zoo

Halloween season is upon us and Cooper is very excited for this time of year. Cooper is dressing up as Woody from Toy Story and Adler is an elephant and pumpkin. Cooper loves to trick or treat in our neighborhood, however, doesn't like that our entire neighborhood decorates for the holiday expecially with lights and scary sounds. Cooper really likes it that the neighboring fire truck visits our street to hand out candy and allows the kids to play on the truck. Thankgoodness it is a kid friendly neighborhood or he would never leave our house. As for Adler we took him to a few houses but it was so cold this year we could not spend too much time outside. Needless to say we will not be out of candy for a long time.

We went to the Columbus Zoo for Boo at the Zoo and visited the treat stations along with outr favorite animal the polar bears. Cooper's friend Adam visited the zoo with us which was extra special.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

First Taste of Cereal

Adler's first taste of cereal or real food if you want to call it that. He really likes to eat food, but became very impatient and wanted his bottle ASAP. He especially likes the sweet orange foods however, he is not such a fan of the green foods. He especially doesn't like green beans which makes his dad very proud. Jon doesn't like green beans either and has a funny story behind the whole situation.

Likes it....

Oh not so much, I Want My BOTTLE, if only he could talk.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Every fall we visit the pumpkin patch, this year grandma visited with us. It was a beautiful day to take some photos of the family and boys.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

What about me poster

Cooper is transitioning into the preschool room at school so they require that he creates a "What About Me Poster.". Of course it includes likes such a: Toy Story, Thomas the Train, Uncle Matt and popcorn. Some of his dislikes are: Penut Butter and Hot Dogs....what kid doesn't like Peanut Butter......